Saturday, April 2, 2011

out of my element

Lately, I have been resisting temptation out of the fear of rejection, and shame.. I have started to feel like I'm stepping outside of my boundaries with a situation.. A situation that should not even be a factor in my life! Although the situation is not taking an effect on how I perform academically or while working, its beginning to affect me emotionally. I find myself constantly fighting this urge of, curiosity, and loneliness. I am trying to keep a positive mind and just remember the situation is not good for me. However, I tend to keep this tendency. I know what to do but I haven't done it completely, I keep leaving the "block" portion out... I will continue to pray for strength and clarity, wisdom, and restraint; so that I can be put back into my element.

TIP: when the past calls, push the ignore button it has nothing new to say..